
We have two tenders closing on 4 June 2021

Herewith please find an electronic link to download ALL the files of all four wayleaves related to the civil works.

Please copy the link below and past in your internet browser to download the tender drawings related to the attached BoQ.


Download link

Herewith some answers that you may have asked:

  • The BoQ for the civil works is only for civil related work and exclude CCTV and guardhouse.
  • The BoQ have a General Section for each of the four wayleaves, it may be that the a contractor will only be appointed for one or two wayleaves and sections. All four wayleave will most probably not be allocated to only one contractor, discretion of the client / board to decide.
  • Conditions of contract: GCC 2015
  • Specifications, refer to the BoQ or tender drawings. Should you require more clarifications please contact me.
  • Contract period per wayleave section: 10 – 12 weeks.
  • Allowance amount was made per wayleave section to reinstate / working of the road reserve. After the work is completed the road reserve area where the work took place have to be reinstated to its original state, therefore the allowance amount.   
  • Water connection will be from one of the residential erven, the client / board will indicate the relevant owner to contact. An allowance was made for an estimated length.
  • All quantities are measurable on completion.
  • Since we have no geotechnical information, an allowance for rock was made rock.
  • If the BoQ indicate 3 connections (water and sewer), this is the number per wayleave or work section.
  • The fence material in the BoQ refer to grid type fence. Please provide a price on a Clear-Vu fence type, and add an alternative price for the other manufactures similar to the clear-vu specifications.
    • Please price for a Clear-Vu fence – 75mm x 12,5mm x3mm, height ±2.0 (galvanized)
    • Part of your tender please add as an extra over  – painting of galvanized fence black, rate per linear meter.
  •  The electric fence ± 900mm high to be installed on top of the grid type fence, however the energizer and electrical connection is not included in this tender.

For more information please contact Jan Malan at Streetsafe jan@streetsafe.co.za