Under Section 14 of the Constitution of South Africa, every person living in South Africa has the right to their privacy. The POPI Act aims to strengthen this right with conditions intended to protect everyday people from things like identity theft and the unauthorised use or sale of personal information for any purpose, including the creation of databases for marketing and sales campaigns.
We have until 30 June 2021 to ensure complete compliance with the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act
The regulations require schemes to have:
- A POPI policy
- Amended the rules of the scheme to comply with POPI;
- An information officer who is the POPI oversight representative of the scheme;
- POPI agreements with stakeholders who have access to the personal information of owners and tenants
We are in the process of implementing the above.
A draft PoPi policy will be available on this website prior 30 June 2021.